
Girlfriends have always formed tight bonds with each other. But lately, a growing number of straight chicks are doing their bonding…in bed. More and more girls hook up with girls nowadays. A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 14 percent of women in their late teens and early 20s admit to having had at least one sexual encounter with another woman. Curious about hook up trend? We look into the reasons behind the sudden surge in girl-on-girl seduction.

Taboos barely exist anymore.

When was the last time you were really shocked by someone’s erotic exploits? Celebrity sex tapes? No biggie. Threesomes? Old news! Internet sex? Whatever. “In today’s youth culture, sexual boundaries have shifted. As a result, more young women who date men are having sex with their own gender to satisfy their curiosity and for physical satisfaction. Girl to girl hookups are greater in college. In fact, the preponderance of collegiate girl-on-girl sex is so great, it’s earned its own monicker: LUGs, which stands for Lesbians Until Graduation. College is a time when people test their boundaries. For many, that may come to an end with graduation.

Women’s sexuality is more fluid.

It’s no big surprise that this open-mindedness is gender-specific. “Straight men aren’t as comfortable exploring same-sex relations. Think about it: Can you imagine that a group of guys would identify themselves as GUGs (Gays Until Graduation)? Or better yet, picture your boyfriend getting it on with his best bud. Not going to happen. In part, it’s because they’re not naturally tender with one another, so that physical transition is a real stretch. The fact is, it’s more of a natural shift for females to make that leap. Women are highly intimate with one another, and these bonds can easily spill over into erotic feeling and action.

There’s been a cultural shift.

Another reason for the increase in same-sex lovin’: Hollywood makes it look hot. Consider the hyped bedroom scene between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis in Black Swan, or even the popularity of songs like Katy Perry‘s “I Kissed A Girl.” Even stars like Angelina Jolie and Drew Barrymore have openly admitted they’ve bedded other girls in real life and loved it. “There’s a cool factor associated with straight women exploring lesbianism,” “The actions of high-profile role models may set a new standard for what ‘hot’ straight women do.”

If you think you want to find out firsthand what all the hype is about and want to hookup with another girl, be sure to explore with someone you trust in an environment where you feel safe and in control. And don’t forget to share your experience here at CitySex. Enjoy! 

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